This post is all about how to organize face masks.
If you are looking for how to organize face masks, it is probably because you are tired of the face masks’ clutter, right? I hear you! Because at some point in our home, face masks were coming out of our ears! Not literally, but you know…
The kids were losing them left and right, forgetting them everywhere and everything else in between. But I mean, who can blame them, it’s not something you would ever think you would need to deal with every day. But, here we are.
In this post, I am sharing my tried-and-true system for how to organize face masks. I have used this system for over a year now and it has stood the test of time. My hope with this post is that you leave with some ideas/inspiration on how to organize your face masks.
This post is all about how to organize face masks.
how to organize face masks
- Baskets – mine are from The Dollar Tree.
- Zipper Pouches – Size A6
- Labels
- Hanging Labels- Mine is from The Dollar Tree, but here are my Amazon favorites.
- Mesh Laundry Bags
- Mask Lanyards
**Disclaimer: These are organizational systems that have worked for us. Please use these tips at your own discretion and encourage you to visit the CDC website for proper handling of face masks.
Okay, so first things first, where do all the dirty masks go? That was our number one problem. Here is how we handle dirty masks now.
Dirty face Masks At Home
For at home, I created this little drop-off station where we can all drop off our dirty masks right when we walk through the front door.
I labeled the basket “dirty” so it was very clear they were dirty and avoid any confusion.
TIP: Have a hand sanitizer by the door to sanitize hands before and after handling the masks.
Dirty face Masks Outside the Home
And for when we are not home and have to deal with a dirty mask, I use these zipper pouches.
I have one in my purse, and one in the car. In my car, I keep one in the glove compartment. Both pouches are labeled “dirty masks.”
Note: We use these “Dirty Masks” pouches only for masks that may have gotten dirty for whatever reason while we were not home and we cannot reuse that day anymore. Otherwise, the regular dirty ones for the day, we drop off in our dirty masks station at home.
I recommend having at least 5 or 7 masks per person so that you have enough for the week before having to wash them.
Clean face Masks | Mask storage at Home
At first, I had all the masks in one basket by the front door in no particular order, but that wasn’t working out. So I ended up separating them into these zipper pouches, one for each of us. We are four.
I also labeled each zipper pouch with our names. This way the masks stay separated and easy to grab and we can easily see who is running out of clean ones.

I use a dollar store basket to contain all the zipper pouches together and labeled it “clean.” I keep the basket by our front door.
Clean face Masks Outside the Home/Extra face Masks
I don’t know about your family, but in ours, someone always forgets their mask. So I carry extras in a zipper pouch in my purse. I keep one adult size and one kid-size.
And in my car center console, I keep a 10 pack of disposable masks. I was keeping reusable ones but found having disposable ones for this purpose worked best for us.
I get them from the dollar store or Amazon.
use LANYARDS to hold masks
I made these myself at home with material I had in my craft box, but you can get them online too.
These have come in handy so much. Mainly for my kiddos. While it may not be ideal to have their mask hanging from their neck, it’s MUCH better than them dropping them on the floor, stepping on them, or losing them. And I am speaking from experience. We have had one too many masks end up on the floor or lost.
Each of us has one lanyard and we keep them by the front door as well.
And this last part is not really “organization” related but thought id throw it in here too as it’s related to the topic and can be helpful.
**Disclaimer: Visit the CDC website for more details on how to properly wash your masks.
And last but not least, here is how I wash our masks.
Washer Machine
If washing in the washer machine, one thing that has helped me a ton is using mesh laundry bags.
I got these at the dollar store. I have a few. And when our masks are due for a wash, I toss them all into the mesh bags, and put them in the washer on the hot water setting, and use regular laundry detergent. I don’t use fabric softer when washing our masks.
Using the mesh bag has helped keep the masks from getting tangled with other clothing or with each other and keeps them nicer longer.
I also leave the masks in the mesh bag when I put them in the dryer. I dry on high heat.
Wash by Hand
And when I wash them by hand, I use laundry detergent and hot water. Scrub them thoroughly and rinse them out thoroughly. I then hang them to dry on plastic hangers by the window. I only do this if I don’t have time to wash in the washer. Otherwise, I wash in the washer machine.
This post was all about how to organize face masks.
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